German Courses

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Deutschkurs in der Fuldastraße

Language levelTimeLocationFree placesWeitere Infos
Teaching in small groups, adapted to individual needs and language proficiency of participants (no curriculum) (A0-A2)Mon, Tue 7:00 pm–8:30 pmFuldastraße 50, 12045 Berlinja
B1-B2Wed 7:00 pm–8:30 pmZoom-LinkyesOnline
No registration needed. Just come by, when the courses take place.

Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Martin-Luther-Genezareth
Fuldastraße 50, 12045 Berlin (Neukölln)

e-mail: fulda [at] buendnis-neukoelln [punkt] de · website
Last updated 09/01/2025